Need Remove Your App?

Do you have the copyright for any of the apps as a developer on our site? If you want to remove it from our site, you can do so. We don’t intend to keep any app on our site if you, as the owner don’t want to.

For that, you need to email us at our official contact address:
admin [at]
(Please replace [at] with “@”)

Here’s what you have to do as a mandatory step:

You have to send us the email to our official email address from your official email address. For example, if the app name If the app name of your app is “Messenger”, you must email us from your official email that would seem like “[email protected]”. The mail address also can be the parent company that may owns the app with copyrights.

When we will remove the app?

After your email, we’ll see if your request is a valid one, alongside the legitimacy of the email address. Once that process is done, we usually take 24 hours to take the app off our server/site. However, this may take up to 72 hours to complete the removal.
Thanking you,